Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Check out this 6th verse to the song Amazing Grace by John Newton.....

When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun.

I hear this every once in awhile in "big" church or my recovery group and I've always loved it, but last night I really heard it. We all know the 1st verse, but don't hear this one all the time. While listening and reading the lyrics on the screen, I started reflecting on what this means to my recovery. Today, I was replaying the words while driving and came upon 2 thoughts which I think God was drawing my attention to........

1. I do not think in terms of eternity often enough. That is to say, I do not include the "here after" into my daily life as much as God desires. Perhaps because I used to be so fearful of the end of this life (due in large part to my panic and anxiety issues), that I avoided any reflection on it at all. I ran from it, and tried to keep my mind occupied 24/7 in order to avoid it (an exhausting chore to say the least). I might have felt that I had spent so much time dwelling on death as a young boy, that I shouldn't have to deal with it. Or maybe I'm spending to much time thinking of myself. Perhaps it was the normal fears everyone has on the subject. In any case, I need to look at this life as a "stop over" on my journey. In light of how much "time" I'll spend with the Lord in His kingdom, the few decades I spend here are a drop in the bucket.

2. I should treat my relationships as eternal. We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it in order to change our present and our future. People we love can be deeply affected by changes in our attitudes and behavior. This means we can be a blessing or a curse. In light of eternity, I should relax more and "rest in Him". Not feeling like I have to fix ALL aspects of a relationship in a single day.
Also, I should try to look at each day as a new opportunity. It's not what I've' done, or whats been done to me. It's more bout how I proceed from this day forward. It's the relationships I try to build as I CONTINUE my journey, not the devastation of the past. Bitterness and anger won't exist in the next life anyway, so why focus on it now? I need to strive toward love, which we are assured to have in heaven, because God IS love. I should be making an investment now, that will pay off in the Timeless Future. If I make great strides mending a relationship in this life, I'll gladly spend that first "10,000 years" finishing the work, and the next 10,000 enjoying the fruits of that labor (both mine and the other person's), and praising God the entire time, for giving me that relationship back!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Technology is a wonderful tool for God

There are a million useless things on the Internet that are there to demand our attention as soon as we click our browser these days. I find myself getting caught up in people and things that I really couldn't give a crap about. Usually it's who got arrested in Hollywood or who is "dating" who. It's pop culture, the way of the world, entertainment, whatever you wanna call it, but the truth is: It's here today and gone tomorrow. And I'm not even talking about the Snookies or the Kardashians of the world....useless. I'm talking about people with "talent". A few years back Britney Spears was all the rage, today she's a punchline. Miley Cyrus will be there in a few years, and Justin...whatever- his-name-is will be too. That's why it's called "pop" culture. It's what's popular now. Not yesterday or tomorrow..... But it's here today, gone later today.

What is cool about the Internet part of this culture is that it makes even important things more accessible. Like the Bible. Or a sermon. Things that count for something can be only a click away just like as Kate's latest hair extensions. Case in point: I clicked "like" on Facebook the other day and was granted access to God's word, just like that. People for thousands of years were grateful just to have a preacher in town! On Twitter, I have all the sports, news, music and so forth, but I also have a Christian news or ministry site that I get updates from too. It's just SO easy. And the really cool think I got to thinking about while setting this stuff up is: God calls us to read His word daily. Well this is easy for someone lazy like me. ( I shouldn't say lazy, I just have a short attention span) Just by "liking" the Bible on Facebook, I have Scripture popping up right in front of me every day! More than once! In fact, I think it is better to take a few verses and read them, then go back and read them again and let them sink in. Reflect on them and let them impact me.

Now I learned from pastors who could break down each word and give it context and meaning. Many of them do this. I also know that there are many people who start with a book and read it all in few days. I have NOTHING against any of that, but even if I have Bible verses Tweeted to me, aren't I living in God's will regarding that part of my life? Well....it depends. Can I take that one line of or one verse and really reflect or meditate on it. Can I recognize it's meaning for my life? If I can honestly say "yes", then I believe I am following what God wants me to do in the moment. If I end up making a habit out of it, so much the better.

Now that reading I do might lead me to look something up in my Bible, or read a specific book, or listen to a song. BANG! I've already expanded on that will. It's all part of the journey He wants to take me on. And you too! Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. That isn't the point. The God of the Bible, the only true God, knows me inside and out. He knows how He wants to speak to me. He says His yoke is light. Meaning it shouldn't be a chore to listen and obey and that brings about trust!

Don't conform to the way of this world! Don't grade yourself by "performance" and think God grades you that way. Just be WILLING. Just be willing to turn to Him. Be willing to pray. Be willing to ask. The words you use are not as important as your heart! God isn't going to say: "Well he didn't read enough today" or "She didn't pray that the way the people did when the Bible was written. She got it all wrong". Nope. That's us doing that, not God. And it keeps us from growing closer to Him.

Please stop thinking you have to do it the way grandpa taught you. Or Aunt Meg, or whoever. Make sure the sites you use reference the Holy Bible as it is, not as somebody else would have it. No less than the Bible, no more than the Bible. You will see your mind and then your heart change at the speed you and the Lord create together.
